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What’s on the menu?


Optimising the Product-Community Loop

Product success is measured in numbers, but it's driven by humans. By finding and engaging with your community on their own terms, you'll gain richer insights to build a better product, and empower a legion of advocates to help you scale & grow. With clear examples, straightforward frameworks & careful planning, your product evolution and growth can be super-charged.


Practical Ethics for Product People

Product ethics & accountability are key concerns as algorithms, AI, and the promise of wealth are tempting companies - & founders - to do morally questionable things. But ethics is a challenging, murky topic to discuss. I'll cover some practical groundings for ethical thought and analysis, challenge some of the assumptions we’ve formed about “right” & “wrong”, and give concrete ways that product people can work towards building more mindfully.

Product Hypotheses & Meaningful Metrics

A rapid-fire tour through the essential components & details of what makes a meaningful metric, and how to structure your product hypotheses for effective experimentation. I cover some of the common mistakes that get made in product experimentation, some quick-&-useful prioritisation methods, & general tips to have you testing, validating, iterating and optimising in no time.


Worldbuilding: Crafting a Compelling Product Vision

I explore why coherent narratives are a crucial part of a product vision, with examples of how a compelling vision focuses energy & attention, driving sustainable growth. A strong vision will guide your team towards better product decisions, and should make your marketing organic & authentic. And because there's nothing like a good story to guide people, I’ll be using pop culture to help you build a better world for your customers.